Benefits of Commercial Cleaning

Life as a small business owner is a busy one, and requires juggling many proverbial plates, from maintaining and hiring staff to payroll, training, managing clients, and often, being instrumental in the daily work. As small business owners, we’re used to doing it all, but once you’ve started bringing on additional staff members, should you […]
5 best ways to keep Calgary communal and public areas clean in 2020

Keeping our workplaces and homes clean has always been necessary, but now that Coronavirus has given us a heightened sense of awareness of the importance of cleanliness, we need to increase our efforts to ensure our employees, customers, and members of the public are kept safe inside our premises. Keeping our workplaces and homes clean […]
Life after lockdown: How cleanliness is different in businesses

A lot has changed over the past 5 months. We have seen entire countries placed under full lockdown, only allowed to leave their homes for the absolute necessities. We’ve seen a total reset in the way we protect ourselves and our workplaces, as thousands of people have been placed on furlough schemes, or even made […]
5 ways hiring a commercial cleaning company saves you money as a small business owner

It’s easy for the owners of small businesses to slip into the mindset that keeping everything in-house is the smart way to save money. After all, you’re saving money if you do it yourself, right? Well, sure, provided you’re in your first 6-12 months in business or in your first office space, then maybe. But […]
5 reasons why a clean space increases employee productivity

It is often said that the state of our living or working environment can reflect our state of mind. A workspace that is clean and tidy is far more likely to be the setting of productivity than a cluttered workspace. Whether we spend most of our time in a shared workspace or a home office, […]
Your business cleaning checklist for fighting covid

COVID-19 has presented challenges for businesses all over the world – for some, it has meant facilities have had to close for some time. Now, most businesses are resuming their in-person public or colleague interaction in some capacity, and that means you need to be on top of your cleaning. Knowing what to clean and […]
4 reasons why a professionally cleaned exterior is essential for your business

The exterior of your commercial building is the first impression that everyone has of your business or brand. Not surprisingly, people will be a lot more attracted to buildings that have a clean and welcoming exterior than one with a dirty, neglected exterior. Whether to benefit visitors or staff, there are many reasons why it […]
5 reasons why you need commercial cleaning for your job site

When we think about locations that need professional commercial cleaning, we often don’t think about the construction industry. It’s an inherently messy place to be, but in reality, the cleaner you can keep it, the better. Of course, that’s not to say you should ask your workers to walk around with a mini vacuum cleaner […]
Covid-19: How to keep your employees safe as they return to work

There are many things to consider as we deal with the fallout of a global pandemic, and it is more important now than ever that we are fully prepared when the time comes to go back to work. Of course, it will take a significant amount of time for life to return to how it […]